PoolManager ClassDH.Messaging Documentation

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Manager for handling message pool messages.
Inheritance Hierarchy

OnlineSystem Object
  DH.Messaging.GlobalQueue PoolManager

Namespace: DH.Messaging.GlobalQueue
Assembly: DH.Messaging (in DH.Messaging.dll) Version: (

public static class PoolManager

Unlike the MessageBusManager, the PoolManager does not utilize the concept of subscriptions. Messages handled by the pool manager are not "delivered" to recipients. Instead, they are queued and the first entity to request the message with the specified key also removes that message from the pool and it cannot be retrieved by another entity.

At this time, pool messages can only be strings. The MessageBusManager is designed to handle generic types and works with a 1 : many delivery model (messages are delivered to all subscribers of a particular message type and key).

See Also